What happens if I lose my O/A-Level certificate?
You can apply for a Replacement Certificate or Statement of Results. For more information, please visit the ‘Service’ menu on NECTA website
If I have two or more certificates from different sittings is it possible for them to be combined into one certificate?
NO. Each examination sitting has its own certificate and NECTA does not combine certificates from different sittings.
Are NECTA Certificates recognized internationally?
Yes. NECTA certificates are well accepted in Africa and beyond.
What are the ‘Star Codes’ used by NECTA in examination results?
* S: .
* E: Results withheld, pending proof of candidates' payment of requisite Examination fees.
* I: INCOMPLETE Results due to candidates' missing Continuous Assessment (CA) scores in all subjects offered.
I: Incomplete results due to candidates' missing Continous Assessment(CA) scores in one or more subjects offered but not all.
* W: Results withheld/nullified or canceled due to proven candidate's involvement in cases of dishonesty or irregularities before, during or after the examinations.
* T:
ABS: Candidate missed to take the Exam.
FLD: Candidate failed the Exam.
X: Candidate did not appear to take the exam for the particular registered subject.